“Pode a subalterna falar?”: um estudo de Parque Industrial, de Patrícia Galvão
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Parque industrial, Women's writings, The black woman, The poor woman, Excluded charactersAbstract
This work aims to develop a study of the novel Parque Industrial (Industrial Park), by Patrícia Galvão (1933), from an interpretation of the work as an initial attempt to give voice to poor and black Brazilian women in Brazilian literature. Therefore, in addition to contemporary and posterior criticism of the novel, studies on the writing conditions of women and marginal figures will be considered, such as: Woolf (2004), Gilbert and Gubar (2000), Duarte (2016) and Dalcastagnè ( 2015). Furthermore, as well as the work of this author, other relevant novels will be mentioned as they collaborate to reconstruct the dialogues about the constant exclusion that occurs/has been given to these subaltern and/or excluded figures in Brazilian literary texts.
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