A resistência pelo dengo: um olhar sobre o conto “Abraço do espelho”
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Iden, black literature, structural racism, Cuti, racial identityAbstract
Starting from the story “Abraço do espelho”, by Cuti, published in the book “A pupila é preta”, we bring some reflections on the ways in which the different identities assumed by the textual subjects suffer tensions and are affected by racism, as well as the dynamics of resistance and coping with the trauma that racism represents for the black population.
To understand some of the impacts of racial dynamics on individuals, we draw on the work of Fanon (2020) and Kilomba (2020); to understand the social mechanisms through which racism operates, we evoke the productions of Borges (2019), Almeida (2019), Guimarães (2009) and Vergès (2020); regarding the construction of identities and hair as an identity developer, we bring the works of Hall (2006) and Guedes (2002); the ponderations about literature and its impact on everyday life go through the pappers of de Cuti (2010), Dalcastagnè (2021) and Walter (2020); finally, we think about the concept of “dengo” from the production of Nunes (2017).
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