Teaching in Primary Education: Reflecting About Feminization in the Profession
reflexões sobre a feminização presente na profissão
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Feminização, Gênero, Docência, EducaçãoAbstract
Reflections on the low male presence in basic education institutions are necessary today. Based on concerns observed since the selection process of the Doctorate, as well as analyzes of the school environments where I have been in the last ten years in education, a number of questions was raised in search of the “why” the male presence is, in its entirety, very small in teaching. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the number of male educators who work in the municipal school system, in a city in the metropolitan region, reflecting on the construction of the gender identity of this profession in the municipality. Based on a quantitative research, analyzing the number of educators working in basic education, reflections are made from the historical path of the teaching profession, as well as the identity construction of teaching and gender relations. The analyzed data demonstrate the feminization of the teaching profession, often coined in stereotypes and prejudice relations, which are necessary to break the stigma and gender image present in any profession.
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