Literary writing and its contributions to developmental education

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Literary writing, Historical-Cultural Theory, Developmental Activity


The article presents an experience report on literary writing as an Activity that provides developmental education. Aware that learning takes place through socially and culturally mediated Activity and that the school is the privileged space to introduce students to the most elaborate culture, I developed the project Literary Writing: Challenges and Possibilities, which had as objective to provide first-year students from Integrated Technical High School at the Federal Institute of Rondônia, Cacoal and Porto Velho Calama campuses, significant writing. The results obtained allow the statement that when teachers create new needs in students, respect the inseparable union between affective and cognitive, they feel motivated to learn and see meaning in what they do. Thus, through the Activity, there are elements that support a humanizing and developmental education as defended by the Historical-Cultural Theory that will permeate this discussion.

Author Biography

Andreia Santos Oliveira, Instituto Federal de Rondônia

Doutora em Educação. Professora do Instituto Federal de Rondônia.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. S. (2024). Literary writing and its contributions to developmental education. LANGUAGE, EDUCATION AND MEMORY JOURNAL, 1(22).