A scene of controversy
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Global Warming, Climate Changes, Following Teaching, EducationAbstract
In view of the many environmental problems that permeate humanity, as well as the need to stick to a sharp debate about the same, the present work presents a didactic sequence to guide such understanding, in the same way that it points to a path aimed at addressing the present theme in education. Thus, the focus is intended to improve a discussion on the topic involving global warming, which is characterized by numerous controversies that go beyond the phenomenon itself, especially when attention falls on climate change. In this perspective, the present work leans towards a proposal in the form of a didactic sequence aimed at High School, seeking to raise awareness about aspects of the phenomenon and help in the critical formation of students regarding the information disseminated by reports and the media in general. Presented in the subject Current Topics in Science and Technology, taught in 2021 by the Graduate Program in Scientific and Technological Education, at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, such activity was developed as an evaluative criterion of the subject, whose proposal was to guide and deepen the debate on climate change and its possible consequences, through the work What Remains To Be Discovered by John Maddox (1999).
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